ΓÇóScripts placed within SCRIPT tags are evaluated after the page loads. Functions are stored, but not executed. Functions are executed by events in the page. ΓÇóSRC URL information is read in and evaluated as script container content. SRC script is evaluated before in-page script. ΓÇóThe SRC URL should use the .js suffix. ΓÇóA named SCRIPT tag may contain a function body that can be called in an onChange or other event-handler attribute. ΓÇóScripts may be placed inside comment fields to ensure that the script is not displayed when the page's HTML is viewed with a browser unaware of the SCRIPT tag. The entire script is encased by HTML comment tags:
<!-- Begin to hide script contents from old browsers.
// End the hiding here. -->
ΓÇóLike Java, JavaScript is case-sensitive. ΓÇóUse single quotes (') to delimit string literals so that scripts can be distinguished from attribute values enclosed in double quotes. Example:
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Press Me" onClick="myfunc('astring')">